Shot Peening is a finishing technique in precision engineering industry. Lone Star LWD offers precision engineering services like designing, fabrication, and assembling metal, composite, and plastic components etc. Lone Star LWD being a precision engineering company has successfully completed thousands of projects, ranging from the very large to the very small, and has treated hundreds of metals. Shot peening is useful in a number of precision engineering services such as it can stimulate the aerodynamic curvature in metallic wing skins used in advanced aircraft designs. The peening process utilizes both compressive stresses and cold working to deliver materials of the highest quality and strength according to the customer’s desires.
In the past principles of pre-stressing and work-hardening were implemented to create a harder and more durable material. Today, Shot Peening involves bombarding a material with small spherical media called “shot”.
Shot Peening increases resistance to:
- Fatigue Failure
- Corrosion Fatigue
- Hydrogen Assisted Cracking
- Cavitational Erosion
- Stress Corrosion Cracking
- Galling
- Fretting
Shot Peening Helps with:
- Surface Texturing
- Inter Granular Corrosion Resistance
- Closing of Porosity
- Testing of Bond Coatings
- Work Hardening
- Increased Strength
- Increased Durability
- It induces residual compressive stresses in components to improve resistance to fatigue, stress corrosion cracking and galling
- Internal and external profiles can be shot peened
Peening process is performed at the final stage among other precision engineering services due to its beneficial results in producing final product with accurately fulfilling the demands of the customer.
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