In major construction work, reputed construction surveyor firms are being employed on the construction surveying. On the other hand, many precision engineering construction companies have their own in house construction surveyors or technicians. In essence, there are many advantages in obtaining the services of external Construction Surveying Firm, because the work can be independently verified by the client without any unfairness.
The construction surveyors have to ensure extreme precision engineering services when constructing a factory or a refinery. As we know that refineries have complex network of pipelines confined to a limited space, having little room for deviations. When there is a requirement to install a new pipeline, the construction surveyor has to initially make accurate measurements and recommendation as to where the new pipeline can be located without damaging the existing structures.
The construction surveyor carryout the following tasks:

The construction surveyor carryout the following tasks:
- Survey existing conditions of a proposed work site. Identification of existing buildings and infrastructure, and locating if there are any underground infrastructure such as power cables, sewer pipelines, storm water drains etc.
- Guiding the new construction working plan by the help of maps, charts and slide shows.
- Verification of the location of structures during the construction phases and keeping an eye on the construction speed and comparison with the expected completion date.
- Taking care that the completed work is according to the initial construction surveying plans.
In addition to above, the construction surveyors of the precision engineering company get directly involved in large housing projects, business office parks, and shopping and town centers. The responsibilities of the construction surveyor start from the scrap land to final completion of the structure.
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